In 2006 I had attended to a workshop about knowledge assessment methodologies and met a lot of people from different professions and different countries. I was the reporter of my group and actually I took that post over without knowing what exactly I had to do since I had recognized that I need to present all the work done by the group to all attendants and to be in contact with the other reporters of the groups. So I had the chance of knowing most of the people just because of my task.
One of those people was a pretty Croatian girl. I remember her so clearly that on the last day of the workshop we were on a boat trip on Bosporus and she was very much surprised by the views she saw and she said that she never thought that Turkey is that kind of a beautiful and “modern” country. She was always thinking about Turkey being kind of an Arabic country which camels are around, all the landscape is kind of desert and the woman with black scarf.
Now it is my turn. I am heading to Croatia without any information besides its being a part of Yugoslavia once upon a time. I have to admit that I have some stereotypes about the country and its people actually that being relatively rude and not so much welcoming for the foreigners. As I said these are just the prejudgments that need to be repaired so soon and I want to be very suprised as my croatian friend did.
We are flying to Zagreb with Turkish airlines in this saturday afternoon and going to stay at Funk Hostel for two nights. I picked this hostel and totally persuaded by the photos I saw on the hostel website. I hope it would be clean and comfortable otherwise my friend would kill me.
Out itinerary is changed several times but eventually we ended up with a route that we are pledged to follow :)
We will stay in Zagreb for two night and then go to Split and the islands around the Split and then we go to the famous Dubrovnik. So below there is the map of Croatia and the cities we are planning to visit.
15 Ağustos 2009
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